Saturday, March 12, 2016

It's About Time

Drum roll please......

It's finally here. A blog. By me. About middle school.

Many of my colleagues, friends, family, bosses, and more have encouraged me for some time to begin a blog where I focus solely on education. It actually surprises even me that I haven't done this sooner. Anyone who knows me knows how passionate I am about education and how often I enjoy giving my personal opinion. A blog makes it easy to merge these so easily. So here goes my attempt at an educational blog.

First things first, a few things about me.

1. I'm southern. I use contractions. It's how I speak and communicate. No, it's not the most professional but it's who I am.
2. I absolutely love the crazy grades in the middle. I've worked in K4-8th thus far in my career and they are still my favorite.
3. The crazy grades in the middle was not why I went into education or where I thought I would be. A previous principal nudged me a little hard to that area and I've been there ever since.
4. I believe that we can truly make a difference in the lives of children. Is it a trying career? Yes. Do I still love it? Yes.
5. I'm extremely OCD about most things. It bothers other people much more than it bothers me. Hence the numbered list.
6. I believe humor is important. I laugh at myself. I make jokes. Life is too short for anything less....even in a middle school.
7. I've had tons of personal experiences that I take with me each day into the work force that allows me to work with students and adults alike.
8. I am a nerd. I will not apologize for it. I love going to school. I love to read. I love taking notes. It's just me.
9. I am dedicated and devoted workaholic. It's how I am.
10.I am sassy and blunt with a side of sarcasm. It makes working in the middle a blast.

Notice, 10 items...there's that OCD kicking in again. I like lists and times that end in 0 or 5. Weird, I know. I feel sure these little quirks bother those who work with me much more than they let on, but they put up with me nonetheless.

I am currently in my 3rd year as assistant principal at Edgewood Middle School in a small town called Ninety Six, SC. I have the privilege of working in the same middle school that I attended as a student. We are in a newer building now, but it's the same folks and the same team. I grew up here, so I absolutely love being part of our schools. I am a Wildcat through and through.

As I begin to share my thoughts, ideas, strategies and opinions, they are solely my own. I am not a highly paid advocate or salesperson for any company, strategy, book or anything else. I find what works and use it. It's always trial and error and change always happens. Alas, this is education. The only target we are aiming for that stays the same is the child, everything else about it changes.

I hope you enjoy taking this ride with me and I hope that something I share inspires you, helps you, or gives you ideas that you may be able to use in your own setting. In the meantime, enjoy your weekend!

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